August 31, 2011

30 days

I have made it 30 days into the p90x program injury free. ;-) For those of you that know me, you know that is a giant feat in itself. I've done more push ups than I ever did in my entire life. I've increased my protein and decreased my sweets. Could I have eaten better throughout the 30 days? Yup. Could I have worked out harder throughout the 30 days? Yup. Could I have just done a better job overall? I am absolutely sure. But the could be's aren't what I'm focused on today. Today, I focus on the awesomeness of achievement. The achievement of goals and achievement that will move me on for the next 30 days and beyond.
Today, I sit here typing, 10.2 pounds lighter. I sit here typing after taking 1 1/2 inches off both my waist and hips. I sit here typing after cutting out 1 inch from one and another inch and a half of arm fat from those arms (we all know what I think about that). My goals are achieved and they will be surpassed. I share this with you to ask for further encouragement. I will keep you accountable, and ask that you do the same. Let's move forward on this journey thinking of it as an adventure. I look forward to the next 30 days! I hope you do too.

August 26, 2011


Okay, so you all saw my I WILL list from the other day. If not, feel free to click on it to go take a look.
Well, I'm excited to say that Number 13 is improving. I've been doing laundry quite a bit and hope it's taking a bit off of my husband's duties. But that's not what this post is all about. :( I have to say that I've been quite nauseous lately, and I know it's not about getting sick or anything like that. It's about the dreaded Number 15. Conquer my fear of heights. My sweet friend Gill immediately called me out on it knowing it would be one of the biggest challenges for me from my list. She challenged me to go up in a hot air balloon (tethered because if you think I'm going to step into a basket and go up up up and away, you are out of your minds!). What would going 20 feet into the air do for my fear? Well, it will either set me over the edge or it will be beautiful. Since I've had more intestinal issues this week than ever in the past, I'm thinking it might set me over the edge. I've allowed myself to get completely and utterly worked up from crying spells to migraines to just about anything you can think of. I keep looking at my list and thinking maybe I should focus on this one instead. I have been trying to figure out how to get out of it. I could easily use different things about this coming up and this coming up as an excuse, but I told myself I would not fail. I have been trying "baby steps" since she proposed this "flight." I even put a ladder up at my Dad's house and climbed up 3 steps to get something off the building for him. I didn't cry. I shook like heck, but I didn't cry.
Today is B-day!! Grove City is holding their annual Balloons and Tunes event this weekend, and tonight fits into our schedule better. So my friend Gill and I are going into a tethered hot air balloon. I'm typing this and feeling my stomach start to churn at just the thought. I asked for prayers from my friends at Bible study to find that I'm not alone, but that it would appear I am being irrational. WHAT? ME? NEVER. ;-) So, I thought, if I'm being so irrational, I'm sure there is something in the Bible. That is where I turned Wednesday and yesterday and yet again today... to find something in the Bible to encourage me, to scold me, to lift me up (excuse the pun- or not that's up to you). This is a little of what I came up with...
Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.
Isaiah 41:13
For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. 
Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. 
So last night I had a dream. I believe God came to me in the night to bring me these last two verses that I found this morning. I dreamed of my balloon ride. I saw God hold my hand to help me into the basket and then as I went into the air, I saw a giant hand underneath the basket. There were others with me, but no faces at all (which I found odd). I think that was to have me focus on what message I was actually getting. I had immersed myself into the one thing I knew would bring me comfort, the Word and found that to bring me comfort. I'm am feeling quite positive right now about what lies ahead, but I'm still nervous. Tonight, I'm going to experience the opportunity to see God's Glory, to see more of what God has given us through his beauty. I will continue to pray, but I am getting a little excited and know that God will be with me every step of my way.
PS If you hear news of a balloon crashing in Grove City, please pray for me. ;-) hee hee.

August 24, 2011

Too Fast

They grow up so fast.. too fast. How many times in our lives did we hear that phrase referring to us and yet we didn't think much of it. Now that I have children, it is all too familiar  how fast they are truly growing up. It feels like my oldest was just a baby, but now he is starting 4th grade. And my little talker is going to be in first grade. And the baby, well she's no longer a baby, nor a toddler. She's a preschooler. A real preschooler. We are out of the crib and done with the passy. We are almost through with diapers and sippy cups and oh my!!
It can all be so overwhelming to know that our time with our children is fading fast. It makes me think about what they will take from their childhood. Will they remember how much they are loved? Will they remember the important lessons in life we are trying to pass on? Will they remember the day they got yelled at when they made a mess in their bedroom? Or the death of their most cherished and precious pet? Or how fun it was to walk across the street to visit Grammy and Pappy? Or the fun family dates? So many memories we try to cram into every day for our children that we hope they remember and love.....
From my childhood, I don't have a lot of specific memories from the ages that my children currently are. I remember trips to my Great Grandparent's home for Sunday dinners before they passed. The whole family would be there. I remember the Christmas that Uncle John read the name wrong on the tag and I got my cousin Kevin's gift instead of mine - a pair of shoes that were totally boys. ;-) I remember going to church with Grandma Hawkins and Aunt Esta when I stayed up there. I remember making ice cream the truly old fashioned way with Grandpa and having to crank it if I wanted it. I remember going "hunting" with Daddy (I wasn't allowed to really hunt that young, but he was always willing to take me into the woods and never lost me). I remember playing ball with the boys and then the girls. I remember going to church with Grandma Perkins and sitting in the third row from the back on the inside part of the aisle. I remember staying up late talking with Sandy and getting hollered at to be quiet up there ;-) I remember the death of my great grandmother, then great grandfather, then precious cousin. I remember the Funkhousers coming over to play cards with Mom and Dad and the kids all playing in the other room. I remember spending New Year's Eve every year with my Aunt Sonia and Uncle Dave and Kimmie and Michael and wishing I could be just like Kimmie when I was a big girl ;-)
Do I remember every trip? Every moment, no. But I do have cherished memories. I do remember more than I might have thought I would, and I do remember being in trouble from time to time. But I don't remember specific times. So when my children are being rowdy and getting in trouble, I am okay about that because I know they won't necessarily remember the details, just the lesson learned.
So today, I hug my precious preschooler a little tighter because she doesn't start school for a few more weeks. And I hold my great big 1st grader and talk about his "homework" he has assigned before the start of the year. And when my great great big 4th grader comes home, I can't wait to hear about his first day of Safety Patrol and school, his class and recess and lunch and gym and everything he thinks is important. Because despite the fact that the details will go away one day, today they make all the difference. Today, they make memories that come with feelings; it's those feelings that will last a lifetime. I want my children to remember that Mom took time. Despite the hectic schedules starting. Despite the pounding headaches (fighting one right now). Despite the fact that there is a stack of work piling up. My children are number one and that will last a lifetime!

August 19, 2011

Arm Fat

Yup. I'm going there. I'm going to the friendliest, meanest, ugliest fat on a person's body... the arm fat. For those of you who have been blessed to never have had it, congratulations and bite me. ;-) I still love you, but I think everyone should have to deal with arm fat at least once in their life to just KNOW what it's like. Just like the pregnant suits some men decide are cool to wear to help them know what it's like to be pregnant for their wives, they should make arm fat suits.
The plight of a woman with arm fat is one that is very disturbing. Sleeveless shirts are not flattering no matter what your girlfriends are saying! Sundresses? Seriously! You know better, Ladies. This friendly fat tends to do things that are appalling and mean just to spite you. This is the fat that decides they would like to be friendly and wave before you even have the chance to get your arm all the way up. And if you listened to that mean friend that told you that sleeveless shirt or sundress looked good on you, it's CLEARLY waving before you!!!
This is the fat that makes buying shirts to go over that part of your arm difficult. There are times it really needs a zip code of its own! If you are being brave or just not caring one day (I'm on one of those days with a tank top on- doesn't look good, but I DON"T CARE. It's comfortable), you know someone is going to stare at your arm fat at least once that day. I'm prepared for it. I was thinking this morning as I got dressed about where all I am going and how many people do I think will stare at the fat that is on my arm just before the armpit. Please don't make me post a picture, people, you know what I'm talking about. It's like an accident. You don't want to look, but you are drawn to it. It's like the uni-brow. You REALLY don't want to look, but you HAVE to!!!!!
People, I know I'm using a lot of exclamation points here, but this is serious business!!!! Arm fat is the devil himself trying to ruin this society! And if you ask a trainer, you can't spot reduce, so you are stuck with this fat no matter how darn hard you work out. There is no way you are going to get rid of it. OR IS THERE?
I am here to say, I'm doing it. This is probably why I talked myself into the tank top today. I noticed last night that my arm fat has reduced. I didn't measure my arms or anything like that. I just noticed when I flung my arm up, it didn't jiggle as much. The jello attached to my arm does not look as prominent. What? Is it really possible? I believe so. I cannot explain the science about it (might want to ask my friend Zach about that), but I can explain the happy lady emotion that comes out when I see it is getting smaller.
I don't like the arm fat. Never have; never will. I feel bad for other ladies (and men, cause there are men out there with this as well) who are overweight, but I truly feel for those of you, who like me, have suffered from the devil's attack on our arms. I say we unite. Stick our fat arms in the air and charge ahead jiggling all the way!!!!
Keep moving friends. It's starting to show ;-)

August 13, 2011


So over the past few weeks, you have probably be following my journey into better health. Where there once was an uncertain person, now, proudly stands a confident, determined woman. Two weeks ago, I started writing a list. I called it my want list for the next year, but realized that want was not strong enough to keep me moving. So I changed it to my I will list. The empowering feeling that came with this list is incredible and one that I would encourage each of you to do.
What better way to move forward than to share with those who love me and do not judge here, publicly. What a way to keep me accountable (you might notice I like that word). So, today I post the "I WILL List of 2011-2012." There will be updates as I am able to mark off this list.

I WILL.....
1. Make it routine to wake up early to start my day in a positive way.
2. Workout everyday.
3. Strive to eat healthier each day.
4. Be a better example to my children in all aspects of my life.
5. Be a great Christian wife.
6. Be a better Christian.
7. Read one new book a month.
8. Cook dinner more days a week than we eat out.
9. Be my husband and children's biggest (not physically) cheerleader.
10. Stay on budget.
11. Race my children to the swing set without gasping for breath.
12. Participate in a half marathon.
13. Help my husband with the laundry more frequently than I currently do.
14. Organize my life.
15. Conquer my fear of heights.
16. Write something creative EVERY day.
17. Turn off the tv more often.
18. Make myself a priority.
19. Control my temper despite the situation.
20. Slow dance with my husband - stipulation that he has to comfortably put his hands around my waist again.

August 10, 2011

The woman in the mirror

3 months ago, I looked in the mirror and was shocked. It wasn't that I hadn't looked in the mirror before, but I had never really seen who was looking back at me. The reality of the moment hit me this morning as I REALLY looked in the mirror. You see, these past few months have been quite a learning experience for me for my ability to not only change my circumstances but my entire life for that matter. And I have to say, I've started on a pretty tough but awesome road!
Now don't get me wrong. I'm so not vain, but sometimes you have to just notice. I hadn't noticed. Seriously. I saw a friend of mine out at the store yesterday, and she commented on how great I looked. I just did my awkward giggle and thanked her but didn't feel it. Sorry to say that Ms. Heidi, but I didn't. I thought, Man, she needs her glasses checked. hee hee. But this morning I decided I wanted to see myself through her eyes, cause that's enough motivation to keep getting up at 5 am and plugging away. But rather than pretending she's actually saying something true or just being nice, I thought I would really look. And guess what I found? She's right. There is a change!
Three months ago, I looked in the mirror and thought, eww. What have I done? but today, that is not the case. I looked in the mirror today and saw a sweaty fat chick and thought, you go girl! Then I really looked. I mean really looked. I suddenly realized I saw leaner shoulders and neck. I saw that my belly was just slightly smaller. And then looked and saw, I got some rockin calves starting there. ;-) I noticed a shine in my eyes that I haven't seen in awhile. Then I noticed something huge!! I noticed..... Wait for it.  I noticed a smile! I real genuine smile.
 The change is not drastic, but that's fine. It will be. When it's all said and done, this isn't about losing weight at a rapid pace. This isn't about getting smaller, only to gain it back. This is my life, and this is a permanent change. So this morning, the woman in the mirror smiled back. I can't wait to see what she looks like next week ;-)

August 7, 2011

Beat me Down

Dear Devil,
I am so truly sorry that you thought you were going to win. You messed up my computer. You attacked the coolants in our house (fridge and air). I feel you trying to work on me and my body. I feel you trying to come back into my eating habits and causing me pain in my ankle that I haven't felt in months.
You may bring me to tears!! You may make my blood boil. But do you not realize that I have more power on my side than you could ever bring?! Do you not realize that THE Holy Spirit lives INSIDE me!! THE Holy Spirit!! Seriously, I'm talking to you. You will NOT hold me down. You will NOT discourage me. You will NOT defeat me!!!
Because I am the child of the Living Savior. I am protected and you have no rights here.
So I leave you with this Satan, I trust my Lord. I know He's holding me up right now. I know He has defeated you and will continue to defeat you time after time after time after time. This is one battle you better give up cause this lady, I'm a Princess of the Lord, Jesus Christ and I'm no quitter!!!

August 4, 2011


To coin a phrase, this is one a friend of mine used so much we couldn't help but pick up on it. I choose to be positive this morning. I want to share a moment of fitness with you.
First of all, for those friends of mine who are happy as couch potatoes, I love you, but you need to get up and move with me. Trust me when I say you will feel so much better!! Secondly, if you are tired of hearing me say that, then what have you got to lose other than me saying it all the time? ;-)
So last night was a lifting night in the Lunsford house. I opted to wait on my workout and do it with Wade. Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X. Not like I can move my arms as it is much after MONDAY'S workout. hee hee. So it was hard which makes it awesome. Get done with the lifting part, and it's time for the Abs. In the past, I have observed these much more than participated but was determined to make Tony Horton proud. Started off strong doing 20 out of 25 of the first one. Then came the bicycles. Did great until they were reversed. That action messes with my head. Kept going pretty darn strong and could have stopped there a happy lady. Did I do the over 300 abdominal exercises on the DVD. Heck no! If I could do that, I wouldn't have so much weight to lose! hee hee.
but the next few moments are the special ones. Sofia and Alec came in. Alec was like, you can do it Mom. Sofia stood over me repeating, "Just one more, Momma. One more." with her little finger in the air. And guess what! That one more went from one to two and three. I did do more, and it was that princess monkeypants of mine standing over me like a sweet drill sergeant (oxymoron, I know). Then, when it was all over, Alec looked at me and said, "Great job, Mom. I'm proud of you."
Heck with Tony Horton! Sorry, I adore you, but my Sunshine said he was proud of me. That, is priceless!!!

August 1, 2011


That is a magic number for me right now. What, pray tell, am I talking about? Push ups. No joke, Ladies and Gents. I did 89 push ups this morning!!!!!!! That's not counting my additional pull ups (I use bands) or abdominal work. I'm mush right now to be honest, but I feel so good.
Those of you who know me from grade school or high school know I don't do push ups. I was the one in high school that would watch for Ms. Spangler to turn her back so I could stop. Seriously, that was me. And I really wasn't all that fat back then. Well, not compared to now. I did modify what I did, but they were real floor push ups (just with my knees down) and as I write this run-on sentence, I am so darn proud. I cried on the last set. Because it hurt? Well, that could be answered yes, but that's not it. I cried because this fat chick did it!!!!
Six months ago I couldn't have imagined this. Six months ago, I was content to just keep the way I was going. What changed? It's always hard to say. For the first time, I'm not making excuses. And I'm not GOING to make excuses. 89 Ladies and Gentlemen! Let's see how much I can improve over the next 30 days, 60 days, 90 days. FOREVER!!!!