March 28, 2012

Choose To Be

I saw this picture on my cousin's Facebook page today and thought, this is exactly what I needed. Exactly what I am feeling today. I could harp on about how I don't feel good and am frustrated with the up in the air diagnosis of possible arthritis that I have or that my house is a wreck and needs cleaned or that I can't get my kids to clean their rooms or do their chores, but today I choose to be.....
I choose to laugh. I choose to love.
I love to smile and laugh. I love to be an active part in my life. To live life at its fullest, despite. Some days I don't feel like doing anything, but that's not who I am choosing to be today.
God gives us each day as a new gift. He provides for us and shows us where the positives are. In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 it says, "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. God calls us to not dwell on that negative and focus on being positive despite the rain.

Maybe it has been raining for you for a very long time. It's not just a day. It's turned into a year or two. Maybe you have just started on a new path and can't see in front of you because of the darkness. Maybe the light feels too far away. Maybe it has been right there all along and you just didn't know it. God gives us all the answers, in His time (not ours). Choose to be positive. Choose to renew and choose to be that.

Dearest Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the true blessing of a new day. I have nothing without you, and today I choose to be that. I choose to accept that despite the fact that life can be hard, you are always there. You open my eyes and bless me if only I choose to listen. Thank you for all of the gifts you provide, not just those I see, but those I feel in my heart. I pray that you use those gifts in me to help others around me to see they also have special gifts from You who brings them life eternal. In your Son's most precious name, Amen.

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