October 28, 2008

I've been SUCKERED

Well, took some time off. Been insane (thus my blog's name), but today I was suckered by a just barely 4 year old and couldn't believe it.

Those giant blue eyes just looked up and me and said, "Mommy it's my birthday and he looks REALLY lonely. He'd be happy at our home." That's how Owen became the proud owner of his own little betta fish. So I went from going to Meijer to pick up TP to getting TP and a new fish and all the trappings of one for that little smile. Think he's not on top of the world? Take a look at his picture.

The day is ending soon, but his smile from this morning has lasted all day long and quite honestly, it was WELLL worth it!! Tonight was his dinner out. He picked Red Robin and wouldn't you know his luck. Red was there and played with him for a few minutes. What a great day for my now big boy. :-) Let's hope he remembers this when Santa is cheaper this year cause other things like his baby sister or the gas bill take their portion of the income.