March 31, 2009


Tonight I sit here thankful. I'm thankful for so many different things.
I'm thankful that I have the Lord Jesus in my heart. Through Him all things are possible.
I'm thankful that I have an incredible husband. He keeps me strong no matter what.
I'm thankful that I have 3 sweet and loving children. "I could stay like this forever."
I'm thankful that I have a roof over my head. I stay dry in the rain and warm in the cold.
I'm thankful that I have 3 square meals a day. So many go without.
I'm thankful that I have a job. Idle minds are the devil's play.
I'm thankful that there are smiles. They are contagious and a great thing to catch.
I'm thankful that we live in freedom. How great it is to walk the streets without fear.
I'm thankful that I can sit here and type this to no one or everyone. My life is full. My life is meaningful. My life is pure joy.

March 27, 2009

Wasted Opportunity

It is so rare to get a glimpse of God's beauty and recognize what it truly is. Today, I grudgingly got out of the van and got Sofia and Owen out and trudged up to Alec's school rather than sitting in the parking lot a little ways from the school to watch him. What drew me out into the cold damp air? FOG. It was so thick you couldn't see the school from the parking lot (which really isn't far away at all). I do not trust others and did not wish for my 7 year old to walk alone through that fog next to the road. So, up we go to the school to see him in the door. On our way back to the van, Sofia was insisting that uncovering her head should be a new Olympic sport and Owen decided he should race Mommy back to the van through the field that is between the school and the parking lot. I wasn't in the mood for all of it, but as we got to the edge of the fencing, I glanced over at the Head Start building to see a break in the fog. The only clear thing was the flag and it was absolutely gorgeous. I was so sad not to have had my camera for that picture, but I snapped away in my mind. I snapped that picture and brought myself out of my own fog.
It has me thinking about how lucky we are. We live in a country that is free. We live in a country that, while we have our shortcomings, we are able to worship without interference. We live in a country in which we can say negative things about our leaders and not feel as if we are putting our lives or the lives of our loved ones in jeopardy. And while I do not agree with being at war at this time, I support those who are over there fighting for us and keeping us free to worship and love and speak openly. Today, God reminded me that no matter how thick the fog, there is always a break through to keep those important things clear.

March 15, 2009

Sunflower Sweetie

Okay, so I got a great deal and as most of my friends and family know, I love a deal. Went to an arts and craft show today. Saw these great headbands with bows for infants. These were not traditional headbands, but ones that were not tight on the head as you buy in traditional stores. Found one that should match her Easter dress and the lady loved how it looked so much on Sofia that she asked me to put one with a sunflower on her and wear it around the show. Said it was free and definitely hers if I was willing to do that. Loving my deals, I said ABSOLUTELY. :-) Here is my sunflower sweetie. Had to share.

God Is Good

Wow, What a week. Well, Mom made it through sugery and is healing just fine. We are pleased and give praise for that.
Sofia is trying not to let the doctor have his way. He threatened the hospital and she suddenly grew 6 ounces. Praise be to God for that!! We are truly blessed. We are taking things one day at a time. Will return to get another weight check on Wednesday and pray that she is still growing.

Thanks for all the prayers.

March 9, 2009

My Prayer for today

Dear Lord.

Today I wear my heart on my sleeve and a tear in my eye. I have but two requests for you, my Father.

My Mommy.. Lord, please keep her safe during her surgery and help her to come out okay on the other side. Be with the surgeons as they correct her sinus problems and do all they can not to touch the cyst on her brain causing additional damage. Please let them find that cyst is just as it is, a cyst. And that she wakes up from the anethesia without any complications this time. Bring her back to my babies as they need their Grammy.

And my Sweet, sweet precious little girl.. Lord, You know how I feel about this. I love my baby girl with all my heart and soul. This weekend has been so terribly difficult but it has all been for her. Please, Father, do not let this be all for naught. Today as we go into the doctor's please let her have gained the weight she needs to keep healthy and help me be able to provide the nourishment she needs on a daily basis. Please let this be a simple problem and not something medically wrong with her.

Lord, you are my Rock and my Redeemer and I trust Your Will. Give me the strength this day and always to live my life for you and show you honor and glory.

Forever Yours. Amen.