May 21, 2010

Fun Fun

So I had a friend come over yesterday. We had some fun, but I have to question what kind of great friends I got when they come over for me to feed them and their kids lunch and never question that maybe they should have brought something. That's after going through a half a gallon of milk all by themselves. Seriously, I love my friend, but it's always the same thing with her. They always come when it's food time. I know she has a tough time sometimes, but there has to be a point when you tell yourself enough is enough. I have no clue how to or if I should even broach the subject.
Anyhow, had to vent and since no one actually reads my blog, this is the perfect place. hee hee.

May 18, 2010


I ache for you, knowing the life you are used to.

I hate knowing you are in pain and I can't fix it.

My heart feels pain that words can't describe.

You have taken care of me for so very long that my

mind cannot imagine how helpless you are now feeling.

Everyone continues to live around you.

You wonder if they think of you stuck in the house.


If I could fix it, you know I would.

If I could make it all better, you know I would.

If I could work wonders, you know I would.

All I know is that Our God can fix. Our God can make all better. Our God can work wonders.

May 13, 2010

Growing Up So Quickly

My heart swells with joy and sadness all at the same time as I look at my little one. She's growing up so fast that I barely can contain myself. How is it that the little baby I nurture and love can possibly be this walking, talking, temper throwing toddler! I cannot fathom.

May 11, 2010

Life throws you Curves

Here we are a year after my last post well aware that life has been making things quite tricky to do much of anything. I keep looking at my children and asking where has the time gone. It's insane to know my favorite daughter, the baby is walking and getting into trouble. My favorite youngest son is going to start Kinder in the Fall. And my ever faithful, favorite biggest boy is headed for big deal 3rd grade territory. I remember changing the boys' diapers and imagining what they would be like. Now, I get to see and some days I don't like it. Others, wow, they are incredible.
I'm hoping to try to blog something each day about my babies and how they are growing or a story or two. I can journal all I want, but on here it seems more permanent for some reason. My mental struggle is what keeps me away. I can't keep them young forever. Oh but if only I could.......