I had a friend make a simple post on Facebook that brought instant tears to my face. It was a link to a blog article that simply stated 18 Summers.
I have been dreading the end of the year because it never fails, my children spend about 90 percent of the summer fighting. But those words just changed it all.
We have 18 Summers with our children.
Take that in for a second. 18 precious years that seem so very long, but in the scheme of things are so short. When you think about the short time we actually have, it's hard to digest. It seems like just yesterday, I was sitting in my recliner in Peoria, Illinois rubbing my belly wondering what my precious Alec was going to look like and what kind of personality he would have. Today, I realized we are on his 9th Summer. Suddenly I wonder has it been enough. We are halfway there, but did I make each summer count for him!
We always think we have plenty of time, but do we really! We often fill our summers with the continuance of insane schedules. All kinds of things.. that are just that.. things.
This year, I have all intentions of getting up early and getting my work done for the most part when my children are still in bed. I don't want the computer to be all they remember about their summer. I want them to remember playing in the sprinkler, eating popsicles and going to the park. I want them to remember homemade ice cream and special time with their grandparents. I want them to remember sweet summer rain and playing in it. I want them to remember like I do because memories never fade, so we really need to make them count.
It is so bitter sweet raising these babies of ours. We also spend a majority of our time quelching arguments and fussing aboust messes, but I am trying hard to focus on the sweet and not the bitter. It is a challenge though!
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