January 12, 2012

Food for Thought

Are you the person you want to be?

As I sat here staring at a blank screen that's the only thought that would come to my mind. Am I the person I want to be? Hard question. I don't even know that there is a yes or no answer for this question, but if there were I would say that would definitely mean no.

I, personally, am not certain it's possible to be exactly what we want to be if we are Christians in general. As a Christian and even as a positive person, I think that we all struggle to be the best person we can possibly be in a day: the best woman, man, husband, wife, mother, father, sister, daughter. I could go on, but I think you get my point. I didn't wake up this morning perfect, nor do I intend to go to bed perfect either.
I think being the person I want to be is so tied to being the Christian that I want to be, that I will never be that person. But, man, it is going to be so wonderful to continue walking this journey to try!!

Speak to me. I want to hear what you think on this one.


  1. I think more importantly than what we want to be, we need to be honest about who we are. And then through seeking for growth, accept ourselves and others as we change. There is never a point in which we will be "perfect." Life is simply not that static. It is ever evolving, ever changing, ever growing. And we go with the flow. Keeping our scales in balance...finding our true self...embracing inner peace and not trying to constantly change ourselves is what I think pleases God.

    1. Wonderfully said, Carey. Thank you for posting your thoughts.
