I have waited out typing this emotional blog for a few days because my heart wasn't ready to face the insane truth in life. People do not care about other people, even children. And on top of that, they are teaching their children not to care.
Ignorance angers me beyond words. Ignorance scares me beyond words. Ignorance frustrates me to words. As I sit here typing this there is another mother praying over her child who is sick because of a deadly allergy to peanuts.... There is a mother praying over her child who is living with a deadly allergy to peanuts... There is a mother praying over her child's grave because of a deadly allergy to peanuts. I am not writing this for anyone but those mothers who walk this line with me. Please read on if you don't live it though as you deserve to not be ignorant.
As I prepared for bed the other night, the news teased me with a story. Let me allow you to read it for yourself.....http://www.cfnews13.com/article/news/2011/march/216839/Peanut-allergy-panic-at-Edgewater-school-has-peeved-parents-protesting
Now let me vent, dear friends. These parents are the ignorant that bring me to tears. I sit listening to stories like this and can't help but think of that battle I prepared for when I started the process of entering the schools. My little Owen needed an advocate, and we are his parents, the only true individuals in this world that give a crap about his life or death.
I have dear friends that i know think me crazy. I have friends who believe life must include peanut butter and their children might die without it. I have friends who say they understand who can never fathom the depths of what could happen. And I love them all, but until i educate them and others i haven't done my true job of protecting my child or living the destiny that God has given me.
Children with peanut allergies live their lives knowing that at any minute, it could be their last. Wanna know how severe, have ONE conversation with Owen about his allergy. Last week he came home from school and said, "Mom, know why I am wearing my fanny pack (he carries his epipen on him) on my hip?" I replied, "No, bud. Why?" His reply just shows how young he truly is. "I can unzip with this hand (left) and grab my pen like a gun in those things and stab my leg in seconds. I can be the hero and the hurt guy all at the same time."
How very sad that he lives in a world in which there are parents teaching their children that it is okay to pick on kids like him and parents who think washing their hands and mouths are an interruption into their children's school day. My response to that is this, "Do any of you care that a child can die in the hands of your own child because of your carelessness? Do any of you understand the interruption in the day should a peanut allergy child actually be exposed at school? Do you understand the emotional damage to a child who has to witness another child going into anaphylactic shock? Do any of you truly care about the life of a child and how can you possibly live with yourself and your ignorance knowing that you are fighting against a child's life!!"
I can tell you stories upon stores, but i will save that for my book. Yes, I am working on that as I have time. In the meantime, I urge teachers, parents, children even to educate themselves on this. Educate yourself on what your schools are doing. Those in our school district, know that there are safeguards n place for kids like Owen and if the severity increases, so do those safeguards. Anyone who has the nerve to tell me to my face to keep my kid home because their children deserve an education of convenience over my child, you will get my opinion. I love to educate and I will fight to the end of MY life educating those ignorant because if we keep going like this, no one will ever learn....
I have seen anaphylactic shock (my Mom, penecillin allergy which is a totally different thing) and it is very scary. I applaud you for making this topic an awareness. My Michael has a little girl in his class with a peanut allergy, and I am always so careful if we have to send a treat (but your post makes me wonder if we are careful enough?). So important to keep them safe!