February 17, 2012

Is it Legos?

In the past 24 hours, I have had three conversations and been led to numerous Bible verses about our words and building up your family members. I even felt led to speak to my boys about it this morning at breakfast. It's everywhere for me right now. I am working to try to be positive and to think positive thoughts to have better outcomes in my life and the lives of those around me.
Wake up achy and stiff. not get enough sleep. someone else is grouchy. just get up on the wrong side of the bed... These are all things we face on a daily basis. Things that could make or break out day. I have been getting up lately (late more often than not) asking myself, how are you going to be today. Sometimes I didn't win the battle, but today, I come at it with a different attitude. (It's a good day despite the pain and frustrations of being busy). Do my joints ache yet again? Yup. Did my children act a  little rowdier than they should have this morning? Yup. Do I have to get my entire house clean before the friends I invited show up tonight? Yup. Do I need to do baseball sign ups, swim lessons, workout, work in general? Yup, Yup, Yup, and Yup. Am I gonna let the crazy of the day overwhelm me? NO WAY!!!
This morning, God led me to this Bible verse (because no matter how crazy life is, there is always time to be in His Word).
"Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers." Eph. 4:29 

So I think about it. Am I building my family up like Legos or am I the one waiting and knocking them over? My focus today is going to be on the obvious, positive words. Words to build up, not knock down.  But it's more than just building for me, I want the world to know what an incredible husband and wonderful children I have. This isn't a secret to keep to myself! Everyone should know that my husband treats me like a princess. I am so very well cared for and feel like nothing can stop me as long as he is with me. My children, Oh my word, I treasure every sweet moment with them, and while they work hard to drive me crazy, I STILL love them and want everyone to know they truly are great kids! So, today, I'm building some Lego buildings, how about you?

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