Today, I can't get this guy named Carl out of my head. He lives in Texas, but I don't know much about him.
Let me tell you the story of Carl.
This is from my friend's FB page. "A man knocked on our door tonight...I was at a friends, wrapping gifts we had bought for a different family who was in need. This man wanted to shovel our driveway (that didn't need to be shoveled) for money to buy his son some Christmas gifts. My heart just breaks."
Her husband helped him pick gifts from the gift closet they have as well as took him to get some cash. Later, they found out they helped Carl, but it isn't what you would expect. They helped a man who is actually a con man. He's been going around her area telling a sob story, including tears about how in need his family is, but from reading his past things from her friends, I can see something.
While my friends were taken advantage of, they learned a lesson about taking care of others despite all others. Today, I keep thinking about Carl and what needs he must have to be stealing from people like this. For what needs he has that are not met in his everyday life. Today, while I pray for my friend's family and their understanding of this unusual insight from God, I pray for Carl. I pray that God touches him in some way. That he is able to see humanity as a great, kind touch from God. That God is showing him through other Christians that he doesn't have to steal or lie to get what he needs in life. I pray that God be with him in this season. May the Lord bless you Carl and be in your heart!
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