March 3, 2011

No use crying over spilt lotion

My daughter is notoriously known for being able to cause incredible mass destruction in a matter of seconds. This morning is no different than any other with her powers of insanity in high gear. She got up at a decent time and was calmly watching tv in her room when I decided to go make breakfast. Mind you, my kitchen isn't in China or even further than a few rooms away, but seconds is all it takes. Her room was what we considered childproof.
Unfortunately, my sweet monkeypants figured out early how to undo the child lock on anything that we had locked up. She trashed the room yesterday by getting everything out of every toy basket and every door, which is no surprise and happens all the time. That is the reason that hadn't gotten cleaned up yet. Well, this morning to top it all off, she decided that it would be a great idea to get the big bottle of lotion that was 3 shelves up on her shelving unit. 3 shelves up!!! That required some climbing, of course.
Imagine my surprise when I went to her room to find her and most of the room covered in lotion. We are talking the radio, the shelves, the toys. THE WALL. I'm still trying to figure out how she got it. I seriously was gone the length of time it takes to take a bowl out of the cabinet and put cereal in it. That's it. No milk. nothing. Just cereal. 3-4 seconds max. And in that time she climbed and dispersed an entire bottle of lotion everywhere.
While this is very frustrating, and I hope she and I both learned a lesson (not sure what that one is yet) I'm trying to be positive and not think of the time it is taking away from other things I need to get done. I am thinking of the quality time with my monkeypants. Working together (only cause I've locked us in the room together until it is cleaned up). Just to give you an idea of the destruction, I have taken a photo because no  mess like this should go without a picture (reminds me of the time Owen dumped out an almost full gallon of paint in the kitchen..... hmmm must run in the family). Off to finish the cleaning! How exciting to get this memorable moment with my daughter. hee hee. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. have the patience of Job! (not to mention an extreme portion of writing talent).
