We sit numb....
You know the feeling. We didn't just watch a man die here. We watched our Jesus die. We saw Him hang from the cross. We watched him suffer. We fear the Jewish leaders. We hide from them hoping to save ourselves. It's the day after, and we sit here numb.......
There isn't much information in the Bible about the Saturday after. It is a day meant for rest and reflection because on this day Jesus "rested" in the tomb. This Silent Saturday is a long day. A long long day. It represents life as it is for all of us in so many ways. Though we like to say that we live on the other side of Easter and that of course is true in the ultimate sense, it is also true that we live somewhere between Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
The crucifixion is behind us, but death is still with us. The final victory lies somewhere in the future. Every funeral reminds us that the final enemy that will be destroyed is death. Death was defeated by Jesus, but it has not yet been destroyed. That happy day is still in front of us.
Get ready!!! Something is about to happen that hasn't happened yet!! Thank God!!!! Praise the Lord that we are not moving back toward the crucifixion. It may be Saturday, but we're moving toward Easter. Sunday's coming. All we have to do is hold on a little while longer and Sunday will be here.
I say Keep the Faith! Yesterday our Lord was crucified. Today his body lies in the tomb. Tomorrow he rises from the dead. Saturday can seem like a long day. It is! But be positive. The crucifixion is behind us, and Saturday will not last forever. Sooner than we think, Sunday will be here.
We are on the march from Good Friday through Holy Saturday to Easter Sunday. We aren't quite there, but we're moving in the right direction. It's Saturday, but Sunday's coming. Let that thought give strength to your heart today.
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