August 19, 2011

Arm Fat

Yup. I'm going there. I'm going to the friendliest, meanest, ugliest fat on a person's body... the arm fat. For those of you who have been blessed to never have had it, congratulations and bite me. ;-) I still love you, but I think everyone should have to deal with arm fat at least once in their life to just KNOW what it's like. Just like the pregnant suits some men decide are cool to wear to help them know what it's like to be pregnant for their wives, they should make arm fat suits.
The plight of a woman with arm fat is one that is very disturbing. Sleeveless shirts are not flattering no matter what your girlfriends are saying! Sundresses? Seriously! You know better, Ladies. This friendly fat tends to do things that are appalling and mean just to spite you. This is the fat that decides they would like to be friendly and wave before you even have the chance to get your arm all the way up. And if you listened to that mean friend that told you that sleeveless shirt or sundress looked good on you, it's CLEARLY waving before you!!!
This is the fat that makes buying shirts to go over that part of your arm difficult. There are times it really needs a zip code of its own! If you are being brave or just not caring one day (I'm on one of those days with a tank top on- doesn't look good, but I DON"T CARE. It's comfortable), you know someone is going to stare at your arm fat at least once that day. I'm prepared for it. I was thinking this morning as I got dressed about where all I am going and how many people do I think will stare at the fat that is on my arm just before the armpit. Please don't make me post a picture, people, you know what I'm talking about. It's like an accident. You don't want to look, but you are drawn to it. It's like the uni-brow. You REALLY don't want to look, but you HAVE to!!!!!
People, I know I'm using a lot of exclamation points here, but this is serious business!!!! Arm fat is the devil himself trying to ruin this society! And if you ask a trainer, you can't spot reduce, so you are stuck with this fat no matter how darn hard you work out. There is no way you are going to get rid of it. OR IS THERE?
I am here to say, I'm doing it. This is probably why I talked myself into the tank top today. I noticed last night that my arm fat has reduced. I didn't measure my arms or anything like that. I just noticed when I flung my arm up, it didn't jiggle as much. The jello attached to my arm does not look as prominent. What? Is it really possible? I believe so. I cannot explain the science about it (might want to ask my friend Zach about that), but I can explain the happy lady emotion that comes out when I see it is getting smaller.
I don't like the arm fat. Never have; never will. I feel bad for other ladies (and men, cause there are men out there with this as well) who are overweight, but I truly feel for those of you, who like me, have suffered from the devil's attack on our arms. I say we unite. Stick our fat arms in the air and charge ahead jiggling all the way!!!!
Keep moving friends. It's starting to show ;-)


  1. LOVE this! I always love when I am in an I don't care attitude...and then I get my picture taken...UGH! No matter what size I My Sicilian genes...GREAT POST!

  2. Funny post and sooooo true!! I'm here from Therese's blog, she linked you!

    I am pregnant now, but have my hand weights on the counter, in an effort to remember to still lift my arm weights....I'm 18 weeks along and only done it twice.....arm fat, bring it on!!
