August 24, 2011

Too Fast

They grow up so fast.. too fast. How many times in our lives did we hear that phrase referring to us and yet we didn't think much of it. Now that I have children, it is all too familiar  how fast they are truly growing up. It feels like my oldest was just a baby, but now he is starting 4th grade. And my little talker is going to be in first grade. And the baby, well she's no longer a baby, nor a toddler. She's a preschooler. A real preschooler. We are out of the crib and done with the passy. We are almost through with diapers and sippy cups and oh my!!
It can all be so overwhelming to know that our time with our children is fading fast. It makes me think about what they will take from their childhood. Will they remember how much they are loved? Will they remember the important lessons in life we are trying to pass on? Will they remember the day they got yelled at when they made a mess in their bedroom? Or the death of their most cherished and precious pet? Or how fun it was to walk across the street to visit Grammy and Pappy? Or the fun family dates? So many memories we try to cram into every day for our children that we hope they remember and love.....
From my childhood, I don't have a lot of specific memories from the ages that my children currently are. I remember trips to my Great Grandparent's home for Sunday dinners before they passed. The whole family would be there. I remember the Christmas that Uncle John read the name wrong on the tag and I got my cousin Kevin's gift instead of mine - a pair of shoes that were totally boys. ;-) I remember going to church with Grandma Hawkins and Aunt Esta when I stayed up there. I remember making ice cream the truly old fashioned way with Grandpa and having to crank it if I wanted it. I remember going "hunting" with Daddy (I wasn't allowed to really hunt that young, but he was always willing to take me into the woods and never lost me). I remember playing ball with the boys and then the girls. I remember going to church with Grandma Perkins and sitting in the third row from the back on the inside part of the aisle. I remember staying up late talking with Sandy and getting hollered at to be quiet up there ;-) I remember the death of my great grandmother, then great grandfather, then precious cousin. I remember the Funkhousers coming over to play cards with Mom and Dad and the kids all playing in the other room. I remember spending New Year's Eve every year with my Aunt Sonia and Uncle Dave and Kimmie and Michael and wishing I could be just like Kimmie when I was a big girl ;-)
Do I remember every trip? Every moment, no. But I do have cherished memories. I do remember more than I might have thought I would, and I do remember being in trouble from time to time. But I don't remember specific times. So when my children are being rowdy and getting in trouble, I am okay about that because I know they won't necessarily remember the details, just the lesson learned.
So today, I hug my precious preschooler a little tighter because she doesn't start school for a few more weeks. And I hold my great big 1st grader and talk about his "homework" he has assigned before the start of the year. And when my great great big 4th grader comes home, I can't wait to hear about his first day of Safety Patrol and school, his class and recess and lunch and gym and everything he thinks is important. Because despite the fact that the details will go away one day, today they make all the difference. Today, they make memories that come with feelings; it's those feelings that will last a lifetime. I want my children to remember that Mom took time. Despite the hectic schedules starting. Despite the pounding headaches (fighting one right now). Despite the fact that there is a stack of work piling up. My children are number one and that will last a lifetime!

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