August 13, 2011


So over the past few weeks, you have probably be following my journey into better health. Where there once was an uncertain person, now, proudly stands a confident, determined woman. Two weeks ago, I started writing a list. I called it my want list for the next year, but realized that want was not strong enough to keep me moving. So I changed it to my I will list. The empowering feeling that came with this list is incredible and one that I would encourage each of you to do.
What better way to move forward than to share with those who love me and do not judge here, publicly. What a way to keep me accountable (you might notice I like that word). So, today I post the "I WILL List of 2011-2012." There will be updates as I am able to mark off this list.

I WILL.....
1. Make it routine to wake up early to start my day in a positive way.
2. Workout everyday.
3. Strive to eat healthier each day.
4. Be a better example to my children in all aspects of my life.
5. Be a great Christian wife.
6. Be a better Christian.
7. Read one new book a month.
8. Cook dinner more days a week than we eat out.
9. Be my husband and children's biggest (not physically) cheerleader.
10. Stay on budget.
11. Race my children to the swing set without gasping for breath.
12. Participate in a half marathon.
13. Help my husband with the laundry more frequently than I currently do.
14. Organize my life.
15. Conquer my fear of heights.
16. Write something creative EVERY day.
17. Turn off the tv more often.
18. Make myself a priority.
19. Control my temper despite the situation.
20. Slow dance with my husband - stipulation that he has to comfortably put his hands around my waist again.

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