February 22, 2012

Sibling Rivalry Gone Right

Sometimes having both a 7 year old and 10 year old is tough, especially when you note they are both boys.. strong willed boys. Boy do they ever fight!! Oh my Heavens, do they fight!!
But today, I got to see their competitive sides in a positive light. You see, we are members at our local Y. We love going there, and my boys really love going  on Wednesdays because Wednesdays are swim days for them. Their age group goes swimming, and they completely enjoy it. This afternoon when they got out of school I gave them a challenge, the dirtiest challenge in our house.
Daddy said they could go to the Y for swimming tonight if, and ONLY if they helped scoop up the Winter poop. Yes, we have a dog and yes, we are that kind of family. We don't clean up poop when it is freezing, unless we find we have no choice. It has been a few months, but not terribly bad out there since we have had such a mild Winter. But it was still bad. So, my boys took on the challenge and made it their goal to get done in record time with the scooping process.
I looked on so proud from the comfort of my warm office (hee hee. In my defense, I have frozen most of the day away in this frigid 50 degree weather. ;-). I watched my boys taking turns and then to top it off, as they wrapped up, they decided to play baseball to start warming up for the season. So they got along for not one, but two things!!!
As amazed as those moments left me, right now as I type this, I am watching my sweet boys playing a game on the iPad TOGETHER. There are no shouting or arguments. There are no fights happening. Just amazing joy as I hear them play. As a Mom, I can't help but wonder if there is some sort of ulterior motive, but for now, I'm just going to enjoy the happiness. :-)

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