May 30, 2012

It's just a blue bird

I saw a blue bird on my gutter this morning as my neighbor sat over talking with me (after seeking my much needed medical attention, LOL). I've seen that same bird what seems like a million times in the tree next to our fence where it lives, and didn't pay any attention to it.
This morning as I pointed it out to my sweet friend, I saw her eyes light up as she expressed that she had never seen one up close like that. I thought about how our experiences are so unique from person to person. To me, it was "just a blue bird," but to her it was a vision of beauty. I saw her eyes light up and and a childlike pleasure spread across her face.
I looked at the bird differently in that moment and my "unable to focus today" brain had just seen a beautiful creation of the Lord. We only looked at the bird for a few minutes but in those few minutes I was able to see the vibrant blue color on its wings and marveled at what a beautiful bird it really is.

So that started this blog entry only for me to realize that what I thought was a blue bird all along was a blue jay. The difference you ask? This.... Is a blue bird. This is not the bird we saw.
This, on the other hand.... is what we saw. The incredible bright white and blue is something you don't forget if you pay attention. Does it matter what the difference between the two are? Not really, but my point in all this is that I didn't take the time to notice there was a difference. The birds are both blue, but other than that, they are two different creatures created by God. I am a woman, just like my neighbor, but we are two different creatures created by God.

Today, I choose this lesson to force me to look around and notice the differences in our world created by our Lord. I choose to not look at someone as if they are exactly like me and embrace the differences that are all around me.

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