June 17, 2010


VBS is that time of year when we not only get to be kids, but as a teacher, I get to go back to The Word and focus on Bible stories that I wouldn't necessarily be studying. Last night's lesson was Esther. From that lesson I came out thinking how incredibly brave it was to do the Will of God.
When was the last time you prayed for God's Will? When was the last time you told God that no matter what, you were there for Him and what He wanted? Those are the questions that came to me a I ended my own lesson. I am not a young lady who has to pretend not to be a Jew. I am not a young lady who has to pretend she wants to be at the palace to be recognized by the king as "the one." I am not a young lady who was selected as The Queen, nor am I the young lady who steps out on faith to tell the king the truth when she knows it could lead to her death.
So, why is it so difficult to let go? I think it is in our nature to question everything and control all situations. So, today I say the following prayer as Esther would have to lead me on my way.
Dear God,
Today I do not know Your Will. I do not know what you wish for me. If it should be a particular direction, I will not question you. I will not argue. I will be happy with your decision. Please help me to be the best I can be in that direction.
In Your Son's Name.  Amen

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