August 10, 2011

The woman in the mirror

3 months ago, I looked in the mirror and was shocked. It wasn't that I hadn't looked in the mirror before, but I had never really seen who was looking back at me. The reality of the moment hit me this morning as I REALLY looked in the mirror. You see, these past few months have been quite a learning experience for me for my ability to not only change my circumstances but my entire life for that matter. And I have to say, I've started on a pretty tough but awesome road!
Now don't get me wrong. I'm so not vain, but sometimes you have to just notice. I hadn't noticed. Seriously. I saw a friend of mine out at the store yesterday, and she commented on how great I looked. I just did my awkward giggle and thanked her but didn't feel it. Sorry to say that Ms. Heidi, but I didn't. I thought, Man, she needs her glasses checked. hee hee. But this morning I decided I wanted to see myself through her eyes, cause that's enough motivation to keep getting up at 5 am and plugging away. But rather than pretending she's actually saying something true or just being nice, I thought I would really look. And guess what I found? She's right. There is a change!
Three months ago, I looked in the mirror and thought, eww. What have I done? but today, that is not the case. I looked in the mirror today and saw a sweaty fat chick and thought, you go girl! Then I really looked. I mean really looked. I suddenly realized I saw leaner shoulders and neck. I saw that my belly was just slightly smaller. And then looked and saw, I got some rockin calves starting there. ;-) I noticed a shine in my eyes that I haven't seen in awhile. Then I noticed something huge!! I noticed..... Wait for it.  I noticed a smile! I real genuine smile.
 The change is not drastic, but that's fine. It will be. When it's all said and done, this isn't about losing weight at a rapid pace. This isn't about getting smaller, only to gain it back. This is my life, and this is a permanent change. So this morning, the woman in the mirror smiled back. I can't wait to see what she looks like next week ;-)