March 19, 2012

Funny, Odd

I have found that my children have an odd thing that seems to drive them crazy and to the point of them actually doing what I've asked them to do. I find they aren't good listeners the first time. And typically the second or third time either. Essentially, they aren't any different than any other child out there, but let me share where I go to the edge and they listen.
Today is a perfect example. My 10 year old was doing his math homework and asked if he could be finished for the day. He had done two sheets out of five after all. I asked him to show me the sheets and found that there were several problems left undone. He said he was going to do those another time when he did the other sheets, but I spoke logically that if he doesn't do them now, he might not realize the sheets that are partially done when it comes time to turn it all in. He didn't understand my logic, and tried to argue.
Out of that frustrated feeling that all Moms feel from time to time, I immediately broke out into prayer out loud. It went something like this,
"Dear Lord, Please give me patience and peace that I do not spank this child in front of me who is doing his best to push me to the edge as he refuses to listen to logic and do what has been simply asked of him."
How surprising it was when I opened my eyes to find that not only was the culprit no longer standing in front of me, but he was sitting at the desk completing those problems that were left blank on his homework sheet.

Odd, in a funny sort of way, that outward spoken words of frustration would cause a child to immediately start listening rather than anger or punishment. I have tried lately to not show my children anger when their behavior is at its worst. Instead, I focus on finding a peaceful frame of mind to promote that peace in our household. It's working, for the most part, but I will keep openly putting myself into timeout and praying for that patience that will show my children that I am only human.

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