September 14, 2011

Lessons in the PortAPotty

"I learned something new today," said "Jeff," the man at the football practice. "Ethan taught me that that thing in the Port A Potty is a urinal."
Laughter erupted from his girlfriend (and almost from the poor lady eavesdropping next to them).
"I know. At 33 and I just now learn that," he said. "Ethan started to pee in it, and I asked him what he was doing!" That is when this sweet little 6 year-old boy (and I mean that, he is a cute fella) looked at that great big man and taught him that there is a urinal in the port a potty.
"What did you think it was?" his girlfriend asked.
 Through all the laughing, the poor lady didn't have a chance at hearing the answer. And when I say all the laughing, it was from that poor lady, ME. I just lost it and the three of us had an interesting conversation and laughter that followed. I joked about him ending up on my blog and really didn't plan to write anything about it, but I got to thinking. Many of you know how I am when I am thinking. hee hee.
How many of us go through our day and don't learn something? Do you really have a day where you are truly a know it all and didn't learn a lesson? As I sat here thinking this morning about writing, I wondered what it was that I learned yesterday..a valuable lesson indeed. My daughter is absolutely heartbroken over the fact that she is "too little" to do certain things, such as dance. Yes, that is my lesson. I learned that those real tears are showing her heartbreak. And when you say, duh, Kim, I say to you, how was I not to know that it wasn't just her throwing a normal 2 year old fit? Seriously, how many times have I not payed attention to the sadness she is showing because I've written it off as a normal temper tantrum. How did I miss that she is the "baby" of the family and gets treated as such more often than not? My big girl is growing up, and mighty fast, but how many times in a day is she hearing the phrase "you're too little to do this or that?" So my lesson is that while she is little, she is a big girl at heart and her needs to be addressed just the same. So excited to see what new I learn today!
The lesson from the Port A Potty that I am sending today is to pay attention to what we are being taught each day. You never know when you might actually learn something new, like the port a potty actually has a urinal.

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